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About the blog

A blog which will feature my experiences as a Surgeon with special emphasis on Breast Surgery. My aim is to give you an insight into the life of a Breast Surgeon and to spread awareness about Breast Cancer. I will be sharing interesting cases, survivor stories and some moments in my life which I have captured through the lens and have taught me important lessons.

Some of my posts will also cover academic points, again mainly related to Breast Cancer but I will try to make them as interesting as possible for non-medico’s as well.

Please feel free to contribute to this blog by adding your views and opinions to my posts.

13 thoughts on “About the blog

  1. Rohan this is first time I am following any blog. I must say, you have everything in your blog for everyone, interesting thoughts, great photos, your unforgettable experiences and learnings.

    Keep them coming….All The BEST.

    • Thank you chacha…I am glad that you are enjoying my reflections 🙂 . Please do keep following the blog and share the experiences with friends and family as well.

  2. Hello Rohan Khandelwal..you have a great blog.Thanks for spreading Awareness about breast cancer to the world..i also support with you for online marketing to spread across the internet.

  3. Congratulations Dr.
    Your blog is excellent, it motivates me to know that in the distance there are people with similar ideas and thoughts. the fight against breast cancer a disease that destroys the life of the woman who has it and also the life of his family.
    of heart, congratulations hope one day to meet him personally.

  4. Dr. Rohan.. Glad to find a doctor blog on cancer. i lost my father recently to cancer, and eversince have been trying to find bloggers in our country spreading the word of cancer. There arent many. Glad I stumbled upon your blog.


  5. Hello Dr. Rohan, I am so glad to have found your blog. I have been a phyllodes patient (Recurrent- 3 surgeries) and so little information about it makes me google it with all possible key words and thank God for that, I bumped into your blog. It would be really helpful if you can talk more about phyllodes, statistics for phyllodes in India, insurance coverage for patients (i am denied insurance since the surgery), support groups for phyllodes in India, and so on. Congratulations on your blog and my best wishes.

  6. Congrats Dr.Rohan…
    Happy to see your wonderful blog & write-ups….As a doctor I am always excited to know and share the worklife experiences and I am glad I found your blog….keep the good work coming……All the best …Dr.Fayiz

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